Playa Blanca is a beach on the Isla de Baru, about an hour away from Cartagena. When we arrived via a little launch from our larger ferry, we met up with some friends from the hostal and headed as far away from the well intentioned but annoying jewlery and massage peddlers, finally arriving at a solitary spot about a kilometer down from where we were dropped off.
We had arrived at the Carribean beaches at last!

There were all sorts of things to do, from jetskis to hotdogging behind motorboats to casual sails in traditonal lanchas. I chose to simply float in the warm, salty embrace of the sea.

Here´s a closer look... That is what I call relaxation. Nothing to be done but keep your nose above the water as the sea pushes and pulls and the sun slowly slides accross the sky. Bliss.

The cloud formations were varied and constantly changing, from light whisps to towering thunderheads, they provided all the entertainment necessary.

Dos burros en la playa. Maybe one is a long lost cousin of Tingaleo?

Playa Blanca from our boat.

Unfortunately, as we had spent the larger part of the day in transit to the Islas de Rosario, we only had about an hour and a half to spend at the beach, half of this eating lunch and walking o our spot. However, we had bathed in the sun and sea of the carribean outside of the reach of automobiles and construction materials. We had a taste of what we are seeking in the next week as we head up the coast to Capurgana and the isolated north eastern coast of Colombia, just meters from the Panamanian boarder.