Arriving at the outpost where we were to catch another jeep for the return ride to Salento, we found 15 other people with the same idea for the 3pm service. We were meant to catch a 6PM bus to Medellin, and many other had plans as well. We didn´t think it could possibley work - and it started to rain!
The 3pm Jeep showed up, and we discussed it with the driver.
"How many can fit in a Jeep"
"How many are there?"
"Pues, 15 then."
And he returned to sipping his coffee.
At 3pm, we loaded up, two sitting in front, four sitting in back, three standing on the back as I had on the way up, and the three of us sitting on top of the luggage rack, but that was only 12. He suggested a couple hang off the side, but luckily, another Jeep arrived just as we were about to depart, and Matty and I only had to cling on for dear life in the pounding rain off the back of the truck as we bounced and slid our way down the now muddy road in the overloaded jeep.
Wind blown and soaked to the core, we decided to opt out of a rushed departure for Medellin and opted instead for another night at our hostel, a long, hot shower, some coffee, and a well deserved three course meal of Banana Soup, Salad, Potatoes, Sauteed Chicken with Aji, Corn Fritter and many glasses of a delcious but unpronouncable juice. Then of course, the obligatory celerbratory cervecas and a good 9 hour sleep.
It turned out to be a great decision for a number of reasons... to be revealed soon...