I visted this museum in Cali on a pleasant afternoon, walking up the river from Barrio Granada before crossing over to find the entrance. Not only did they have an interesting although poorly labled exhibiot of Mexican contemporary art, but there was a free concert going on outside as some of the Djs from Cali tried out there different styles. Everything from House to Hip Hop to scratching, wll of which could be heard for blocks around and inside the museo itself.The most interesting part was that a friendly dog literraly traversed the city with me wiothout invitation or any egging him on, he crossed four lane streets, foot bridges and ignored other dogs to keep up with me until I reached the museum, where he promptly disspeared into the crowd.
This not being the first time a dog had befriended me on my solo voyages. The most memorable being the one that traveled with me up a river bed in Northern Argentina, who slept outside the hospedajes I stayed in, and then when on return, I managed to severly sprain and fracture my ankle, left me without a thought by mysefl in the middle of the river valley. I found him four agonizing hours later as I limped into the main square just in time to catch the last bus which could take me to the hospital.
Pics of exhibit, dog and location to come...